A downloadable game for Windows

Created for the GMTK GameJam 2021.

In Brownout Link, you take the role as a commander, in charge of managing an onsite fabrication mission of a classified product. Your rig consists of a generator and multiple machines that require power and resources to run and produce things.

Your generator can only supply a limited amount of energy, so keep an eye on what machines you have running at any given moment. Produce 100 units of the classified product and launch the package in order to win. Good luck.

Oh, did I mention there were enemies too? Yeah, keep those turrets loaded.


Mouse: Drag connections between machines, click on a connection to destroy it.
Escape: Pause menu

Special thanks to Paddy for all of the music and visual assets! Couldn't have done it without you.

Also there's a form for generator name suggestions that will be a thing after this jam: https://forms.gle/ukgAq4VchA7vsusG6


Brownout Link.zip 252 MB

Install instructions

Simply download the zip and extract the game, then double click the exe inside. That's about it.

Development log


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Just wanted to say the dynamic music is amazing and really keeps the energy during gameplay

Honestly, I loved it. It's very fun and I loved the music layering. Took me 16 minutes to beat the game

Thank you so much! My music friend and I already have a history of that layering style so we knew exactly how to do it, and it came out pretty well in my opinion. An average playthrough with the recommended settings takes me about 10 minutes, but I already have some strats figured out by simply making the game :D